Current Events I

Addicted to Social Media may cause Health Problems 

These days adolescents tend to spend a lot of time on social media , some of them prefer to gain attention from online communication so that they can benefit by making more money such as selling their products effectively. These people will keep track their feedbacks from customers daily for new development. However, due to a high expectation in online communication, if there is not enough responding of customers this group of people can end up desperate.

Example of Health Problems  

  • Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Depression and Anxiety 
  • Cyber Bullying 
  • Suicide Rate
  • Sleep Problems
It is reported that health problems mentioned above are likely caused by using too much social media. The research found that scrolling in Facebook everyday could lead to depression if a person is seeing some post which is emotional. Moreover, the violence showing in the media can influence people to imitate those bad behaviour which leads to an increase in suicide rate (The Week UK, 2019).

Social media is considered to be one of an infinity world that is easily accessible all the time. Therefore people can attend it whenever they want particularly people who are working at night and have no friends. They tend to have fun using social media to represent themselves and prevent them from boredom. On the other hand, people with sleep disorders are usually doing the same thing. They assumed that looking through social media can help them to be more relaxed and end up sleep well. This is totally wrong as in order to use social media people have to look on their electronics devices screen which contains blue light that can disturb body's natural sleeping cycle (Tuck Sleep, 2019).

A Graph showing Social Media as a major cause of not having enough sleep

(Tuck Sleep, 2019)


The Week UK. (2019). Fact Check: how does social media affect your mental health?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].

Tuck Sleep. (2019). Social Media and Sleep | Tuck Sleep. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].

Tuck Sleep. (2019). From Phones to Video Games, How Tech Is Destroying Your Sleep. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].


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