What The Experts Say I
The Effects of Social Media Addiction
According to the research, they believe that the group which tend to cause the most addiction in social media is adolescents. As people between this age often use their electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones and tablets to further their studies and update their life or sharing what they like on social media. However, they usually do not realise that there are negative effects of social media that can decrease their efficiency in both physical and academical fields. For instance, privacy exposure where someone is trying to reveal personal documents to public or internet harassment where people are disturbing them all day through real time notifications. At this stage, teenagers will not be able to fully focus on their studies. Moreover, scrolling through social media sites seeing some violence videos, adolescents may imitate what they have seen such as hurting themselves, poisoning others for no reason and behaving violently (Search-proquest-com.unyp.idm.oclc.org, 2019).
How Teenagers are behaving aggressively to each other (The Conversation, 2019)
Search-proquest-com.unyp.idm.oclc.org. (2019). Login. [online] Available at: https://search-proquest-com.unyp.idm.oclc.org/central/docview/1893395721/4DC266367C5B4E08PQ/4?accountid=17238 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
The Conversation. (2019). Gender stereotypes make teenagers more accepting of violence. [online] Available at: http://theconversation.com/gender-stereotypes-make-teenagers-more-accepting-of-violence-33505 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].
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